Expert Advice and Witness

Expert Support

Occasionally in construction projects, disputes arise. Should you encounter a formal dispute on a project in which you’re involved, you may engage an expert advisor or witness to help you resolve that dispute.

Ensure you have an accomplished and trusted professional at your side.

Our experience includes appointments from solicitors, direct by a party or as a court appointed single joint expert. Each expert has undertaken specialist expert witness training. The team are also chartered members of the RICS and subject to the rigorous standards of an internationally recognised body.

Our experts have also been subjected to cross examination on several occasions.  With expertise spanning many years of practical experience working for developers, employers, contractors, and sub-contractors, you can be sure that anyone you work with understands your needs and the demands of your project.

Standards and Quality

All of our reports are fully CPR Part 35 compliant, whether we are required to produce that level of report or not. For us, an expert witness report needs to stand up to scrutiny. In that regard, the courts lead the way in setting the barometer.  The absolute criticality of impartiality and professionalism lies at the heart of everything we do for you.

Our report will be easy to read, and structured so that it provides a clear assessment of the subject matter. Each report is peer reviewed and subject to ruthless examination before release.

Whether you need an expert witness or advisor to support you, Overford can help. If you would like to know more, please contact us for a confidential discussion on how we will be able to assist.

Next Steps

If you would like to know more please contact us for a confidential discussion on how we will be able to assist.