succeed in adjudication

The Successful Claim in Construction

By:   Overford Marketing

The Successful Claim Construction projects often involve many complexities. These include delays, design issues, and disputes over the work’s scope. When such issues arise, it’s essential to have a clear, well-documented claim to protect your rights and ensure the project stays on track. Preparing a successful construction claim requires careful attention to detail, good records, […]

Variation and change – are they the same thing in construction?

By:   Overford Marketing

The simple answer to this question is, ‘no’. A variation has a very specific contractual implication for a construction project, writes Guy Jackson, founding partner of Overford. A change might not be a variation, even though a variation is almost always a change. No matter whether your involvement in a project is as designer, administrator, or […]

Contract Administration – Back to Basics

By:   Overford Marketing

Contract admin – to old hands, it can be one of the most routine aspects of the job. But if you’re new to it, then it might spell the end of your time in a job! So what are the key things to watch out for and what do you need to know to succeed […]

project controls and construction act

The Construction Act – What Is It? What Do You Need to Know in 2024?

By:   Overford Marketing

Those of us in the world of contracts and the commercial side of construction can’t get enough of it. But to a lot of people, it’s something other people talk about and not something that affects our daily lives. So, what is the Construction Act? And why should we care? First, we need to address […]

cranes on the skyline

Managing Change On Construction Projects

By:   Overford Marketing

As in life, change is inevitable on construction projects. Even the smallest changes can have an impact on the budget or programme and someone will be responsible for covering these additional costs. As a project progresses, it is important to effectively manage change so you can minimise the risk of disputes later on. Change or […]

Construction contracts

Choosing the Right Construction Contract

By:   Overford Marketing

An introduction to the standard forms of contract In the early stages of a construction project, depending on your role and the degree of bargaining power you have, you may need to choose what form of construction contract you will use. This decision needs to be made early. This is because the contract you choose […]

Contract Documents

7 Reasons You Should Check Your Contract Regularly and Carefully

By:   Overford Marketing

So you’ve signed up to a contract. You’ve agreed on any changes and ensured the balance of risk is even and, as far as possible, minimises unnecessary risk. That’s all sorted, so you can pop it in a drawer, get the construction underway, and not worry about that tedious piece of paper again, right? Wrong. […]

Final Account Negotiations

Final Accounts: How do I get the result I want?

By:   Overford Marketing

Once you achieve practical completion under a construction contract, it is time to negotiate the “final account”. This is the total amount that will be paid for the contract and there are a number of commercial items that need agreeing before it can be settled. These final account negotiations can be the most challenging and […]

Getting paid on construction projects

Make Sure You Get Paid

By:   Overford Marketing

Our top tips for getting paid on construction projects The construction industry has something of a bad reputation when it comes to managing cashflow. Earlier this year, research found that half of all invoices were paid late. In some cases, those invoices are never paid at all. Nobody can guarantee one party will pay another […]

Why subcontractors should never walk off-site when they are not getting paid

Why subcontractors should never walk off-site when they are not getting paid

By:   Overford Marketing

Guy Jackson Joins Own The Build Podcast Why subcontractors should never walk off-site when they are not getting paid How can you engage your client if you are not being paid on-site? Is walking off-site an option? In this new podcast, Guy joins Paul Heming of C-Link for an episode of Own The Build. The […]