FBE axe throwing

fbe / fft Leeds – Axe Throwing Social

By:   Overford Marketing

The fbe and fft Leeds are hosting an axe throwing social, and the Overford team is proud to sponsor the event. Join us on Thursday the 13th of February from 6pm in Leeds. End a busy week with some Urban Axe Throwing and networking. When: 13th Ferbuary 2025, 6 pm to 8 pm Where: Whistle […]

The Role of the Quantum Expert

By:   Overford Marketing

As construction projects get ever more complex, so do the disputes that arise when things go wrong. When a project is late or over budget, one of the parties to the contract may be liable for additional costs be it for the work itself or via loss and expense. But establishing the liability for those […]

succeed in adjudication

How to Succeed in Adjudication

By:   Overford Marketing

Adjudication is, as we’ve mentioned previously, one of the most popular ways to resolve a dispute. Since its introduction in 1997 as part of the then new Construction Act, adjudication has become the go-to method of construction dispute resolution in the UK and some say the only game in town. Over 2000 disputes are now […]

Contract Administration – Back to Basics

By:   Overford Marketing

Contract admin – to old hands, it can be one of the most routine aspects of the job. But if you’re new to it, then it might spell the end of your time in a job! So what are the key things to watch out for and what do you need to know to succeed […]

The Overford Podcast

The Overford Podcast – Adjudication and Enforcement Part 2

By:   Overford Marketing

In this episode, Guy talks to Kort Egan of Gatehouse Chambers about the enforcement of adjudication decisions. In the second of the two-part episode, we look at settlements – can you enforce a decision after you’ve agreed on a settlement? The team also look at insolvency and dealing with parties who can’t pay. Also – […]

cranes on the skyline

Managing Change On Construction Projects

By:   Overford Marketing

As in life, change is inevitable on construction projects. Even the smallest changes can have an impact on the budget or programme and someone will be responsible for covering these additional costs. As a project progresses, it is important to effectively manage change so you can minimise the risk of disputes later on. Change or […]

The Overford Podcast

The Overford Podcast – Adjudication & Decision Enforcement

By:   Overford Marketing

In this episode, Guy Jackson talks to Kort Egan of Gatehouse Chambers about the enforcement of adjudication decisions. How are adjudication decisions treated when parties look to obtain or resist the decision they’ve been awarded? The pair look at the background to enforcement and its purpose. Can enforcement be easily resisted? Should enforcement be quick, […]


Yorkshire Emerging Development Hotspots

By:   Overford Marketing

Earlier this month, we sponsored Place Yorkshire’s event ‘Yorkshire Emerging Development Hotspots’. As a Yorkshire based firm, we were very excited to hear about the plans for the region. The event brought together local authorities from across the county tol hear where they want to see developments. City centres are hubs for development hotspots, but […]

Construction contracts

Choosing the Right Construction Contract

By:   Overford Marketing

An introduction to the standard forms of contract In the early stages of a construction project, depending on your role and the degree of bargaining power you have, you may need to choose what form of construction contract you will use. This decision needs to be made early. This is because the contract you choose […]

Project Controls

Project Controls – An Introduction

By:   Overford Marketing

You don’t need us to tell you that construction projects are complicated. Every building is different, and every project has its own unique challenges. Even seemingly simple buildings can be impacted by delays, cost overruns and other problems. So, when we are juggling multiple variables, how can we maintain quality, deliver on time and within […]