succeed in adjudication

How to Succeed in Adjudication

By:   Overford Marketing

Adjudication is, as we’ve mentioned previously, one of the most popular ways to resolve a dispute. Since its introduction in 1997 as part of the then new Construction Act, adjudication has become the go-to method of construction dispute resolution in the UK and some say the only game in town. Over 2000 disputes are now […]

The Overford Podcast

The Overford Podcast – Adjudication and Enforcement Part 2

By:   Overford Marketing

In this episode, Guy talks to Kort Egan of Gatehouse Chambers about the enforcement of adjudication decisions. In the second of the two-part episode, we look at settlements – can you enforce a decision after you’ve agreed on a settlement? The team also look at insolvency and dealing with parties who can’t pay. Also – […]

The Overford Podcast

The Overford Podcast – Adjudication & Decision Enforcement

By:   Overford Marketing

In this episode, Guy Jackson talks to Kort Egan of Gatehouse Chambers about the enforcement of adjudication decisions. How are adjudication decisions treated when parties look to obtain or resist the decision they’ve been awarded? The pair look at the background to enforcement and its purpose. Can enforcement be easily resisted? Should enforcement be quick, […]

The Overford Podcast

Smash & Grab Adjudications – The Overford Podcast

By:   Overford Marketing

Guy and Jason join Carly Thorpe, Partner at law firm, Walker Morris. Together they take a look at ‘Smash and Grab’ (also known as technical) adjudications.  What is a smash-and-grab adjudication? Why do they arise? What does the construction act say? What do contracts say and is it possible to improve the system as it […]

Adjudication and dispute resolution.

Adjudication – The Smash and Grab

By:   Overford Marketing

People in the world of construction disputes get very excited by some things. One of those is the ‘smash and grab’ adjudication. But what exactly is it, and why does it matter? As we discussed in a previous article, ‘statutory’ adjudication allows anyone with a valid construction contract to take a dispute to an independent […]

Contract Documents

Adjudication – An Introduction

By:   Overford

Adjudication: Why, What, How, When & What’s New? You might have heard of adjudication before. However, something that surprises the Overford team is how often we meet people who don’t know all about the popular method of dispute resolution. Introduced in the 1996 Construction Act (the actual act has a very complicated name, but generally […]