Why subcontractors should never walk off-site when they are not getting paid

Why subcontractors should never walk off-site when they are not getting paid

Guy Jackson Joins Own The Build Podcast

Why subcontractors should never walk off-site when they are not getting paid

How can you engage your client if you are not being paid on-site? Is walking off-site an option?

In this new podcast, Guy joins Paul Heming of C-Link for an episode of Own The Build.

The two debate the best strategies for both main and subcontractors when the subcontractor threatens to walk off-site due to payment. They discuss why subcontractors should never walk off-site and, instead, what they should do while at the same time looking at things from a main contractor’s perspective too. 

Listen to the podcast below or stream the full episode on Apple and Google by searching ‘Own the build’

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