
Arbitration – An Introduction

By:   Overford Marketing

Following our intro to adjudication, this article takes a very brief look at dispute resolution in arbitration. Much older than statutory adjudication, arbitration is another route to resolving disputes without having recourse to the courts. The method comes with some strong advantages. Though arguably, there are some disadvantages too. The process involves the appointment (usually […]

Mediation and dispute management - managing disputes

Mediation with Mediator Network

By:   Overford Marketing

Our Mediation Services Overford’s expert team can assist with every aspect of your construction challenges, from advice and guidance to support in dispute resolution. Mediation is the latest tool in our armoury, with our resident expert, Guy Jackson. Guy provides neutral support to clients. As an associate organisation of Mediator Network, you can now access […]

Adjudication and dispute resolution.

Adjudication – The Smash and Grab

By:   Overford Marketing

People in the world of construction disputes get very excited by some things. One of those is the ‘smash and grab’ adjudication. But what exactly is it, and why does it matter? As we discussed in a previous article, ‘statutory’ adjudication allows anyone with a valid construction contract to take a dispute to an independent […]

Contract Documents

Adjudication – An Introduction

By:   Overford

Adjudication: Why, What, How, When & What’s New? You might have heard of adjudication before. However, something that surprises the Overford team is how often we meet people who don’t know all about the popular method of dispute resolution. Introduced in the 1996 Construction Act (the actual act has a very complicated name, but generally […]